Easter Sorbet Spritz
Yes way, sorbet. For those who love sorbet and fizz, it’s time to treat yourself to an Easter
Sorbet Spritz! For a mocktail version, simply replace the champagne with mineral water and hold off on including the vodka.
Ingredients (Alcoholic)
- 2 scoops of sorbet (lemon & mango)
- 150ml champagne
- 1 shot vodka
- 3 raspberries
- Lemon wedge
- Mint leaves
Ingredients (non-alcoholic)
- 3 scoops of sorbet (2 x lemon & 1 x mango)
- 150ml mineral water
- 3 raspberries
- Lemon wedge
- Mint leaves
- Scoop sorbet into a glass and pour over the champagne and vodka
- Garnish with raspberries, lemon wedge and mint leaves
- Scoop sorbet into a glass and pour over the mineral water
- Garnish with raspberries, lemon wedge and mint leaves