Competition Winners

Competition Date Drawn Winner
Lapland Winner 12/12/2024 S. Nicol
12 Days Giveaway - DAY1 18/12/2024 M.M
12 Days Giveaway - DAY 2 18/12/2024 N. Donnelley
12 Days Giveaway- DAY 3 18/12/2024 S.Phillips
12 Days Giveaway- DAY 4 20/12/2024  
Apple Watch - Father's Day 29/08/2024 R. Mendoza
Ladies Day Tickets 16/09/2024 B. Ransom
S. Cohen
S. Tripet
E. Louise
A. Slingsby
H. Sheriff-Enright
E. Jones
T. King
L. Clempson
K. Arthur-Smith
S. Lindsay
A. Bisseker
K. Lawrence
K. Carney
L. Hendrie
A. Bruniges
S. Dore
J. James
Cinema Survey 04/09/2024 B. Amante
Shop Fresh to WIN $10k 24/09/2024 K. Hood
September NPS Survey 1/10/2024 A. Dormand
Pera Luggage Winner 26/11/2024 E.Would
Black Friday Best Friend Comp 26/11/2024 T.Turner

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